Experience entrepreneurship
If an educational institution wants to change its course, it is of vital importance to involve all partners of its local ecosystem. For this reason, the Antwerp University Association brings the strengths of the city of Antwerp, its educational institutions, local companies, organisations and (student) associations together.
This local ecosystem (TAKEOFFANTWERP) aims to inspire, activate and support youngsters on their way to entrepreneurship. The partners within TAKEOFFANTWERP work on a common framework and schedule. This involves mapping out Antwerp’s entire entrepreneurial landscape. Students are able to seek advice at a ‘one-stop shop’ for young entrepreneurs. Teachers, Researchers, staff and youth workers are supported in developing entrepreneurial skills within their own working environments. Cooperation
possibilities between existing initiatives are also being looked into.
Since 2014, TAKEOFFANTWERP is a (Quadruple Helix) partnership between the city of Antwerp, the Antwerp University Association (AUHA), Artesis Plantijn University College, Karel de Grote University College, the University of Antwerp, KAVKA youth centre, SINC student association & VOKA, Flanders' Chamber of Commerce and Industry.